Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Pray Without Ceasing

Ministry Purpose
Believing that prayer is simply communicating with GOD, this ministry's aim is to:
  1. Exalt the Savior through humility and prayer
  2. Intercede thru prayer for others, our community, our church, our nation, and etc.
  3. Allow the Spirit of GOD and the Power of GOD to ordain and to order our efforts of intercession
What to Know
Any member of MTBC who desires to join this ministry may do so.
There will be no officers or positions in this ministry. However, designated members will serve as host.
The ministry's time will only be utilized for the sharing of info relative to praying.
Participation will not be on site but only thru our conferencing call system.
The ministry sessions will last 30 minutes unless the Holy Spirit dictates otherwise.

Why Pray
   We are commanded in the scriptures to pray without ceasing. In other words, we should always be given to prayer. Prayer indicates that the individual has a personal and intimate relationship with GOD.  Therefore, prayer is an expression of faith that GOD hears, and answers prayers according to His will.
   In Acts12, Peter had been thrown in jail. Upon hearing about it, the Church met and began to pray on Peter's behalf.  The Bible says that the Holy Spirit got involved and got Peter out of his confinement.
   It's unknown by us what they believed; but here at MTBC we believe that prayer changes things. Therefore we pray.

My Prayer For You
This I pray,  that your love may abound
yet more and more in knowledge and all
So that you may approve the things that
are excellent, that you may be sincere
and without offense to the day of Christ.
Being filled with the fruits of righteousness
which are through Jesus Christ to
the glory and praise of GOD.....
                             Philippians 1:9-11

Tuesday   8:00am to 8:30am

Call in #:  480-660-5348 Access Code: 835115.