Culinary Ministry

The Culinary Ministry provides the support and service to all ministries of Mount Tabor Baptist Church.  We support the ministries for meetings, training workshops and special services with meals and/or refreshments.  We also serve repast for members in bereavement.  This ministry is adaptable to ever evolving circumstances with vision to the goal of “Strengthening the bonds of Family through Fellowship”.  (Hebrew 10:24)

The Culinary Ministry is responsible for the following:
To glorify God in all we do through food service.
Plan menus, purchase and prepare food for annual Homecoming Services, ministry programs and other church events. 
Oversees the operation of the kitchen, including its use, cleanliness and maintenance of the church kitchen and its equipment.
Responsible for setup of dining area, serving food and cleaning up of the dining and kitchen areas.
To support and organize food and beverage for wedding receptions, funeral repast, and other special occasions.
Coordinate with the Trustee Ministry in purchasing of food and kitchen supplies.
Be knowledgeable of and enforce policies regarding the use of the church fellowship hall
All members should be present to help serve food and be attentive to comments from others.
We submit written and verbal report to the Church at our regular business meeting.
At Mount Tabor Baptist Church, the Culinary Ministry through prayer, praise and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, strives to glorify God by providing excellence in food service. The Culinary Ministry works diligently to show its care, compassion and love for others.  This ministry consist of a chairperson, a co-chair and 13 members.  Anytime we are called upon to serve is an opportunity we graciously accept to show our love for God’s people by serving our members and guests with a well-balanced meal.
 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers:  for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”     Hebrews 13:2

                               Service  to   others is  how  we  serve GOD.
Members have a servant attitude that will see food service as a way to use our god-giving gifts for building up the body of CHRIST.  All work done through Christ is done with love. 
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same GOD at work.     1 Corinthians 12:4-6          
There are many ways YOU can offer your time and talents to serving the church, in the community and to God. 
                                      We invite you to join our ministry:


Chair: Trustee Joyce Childs
(804) 922-2623
 Co. Chair: Brother Melvin Wright
(804) 633-6362