Bible Museum trip June 29, 2019
Sponsered by the Youth Ministry
Penny for your thoughs
Bible Museum trip June 29, 2019
Sponsered by the Youth Ministry

Sanctuary Worship Services

As you may or may not know, MTBC has reopened for inside services. At this time we have a Voluntary mask policy. Temperature checks are also no longer mandatory.  However, we do ask all attendees to continue Signing-in until further notice.  We urge everyone to continue the wise practice of sanitizing your hands.  Obviously, one of our greatest challenges is to keep ourselves, our families, friends, and our church family safe. Therefore, we believe that adherence to the following guidelines will allow us to meet our goals.
1. Masks wearing is now voluntary.
2. If you are experiencing coughs, sore throats, fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, loss of  taste or smell, chills, and headaches, we urge you to remain at home and join the service by using the conference call line.
3. Please further your compliance by signing in on the registration log. Please follow the direction of the ushers for entering and exiting the sanctuary.
4. If you are unvaccinated I ask you to consult God in prayer for His divine guidance as encouraged in Proverbs 3:5-6.
Being aware that this invisible viral enemy adapts and mutates and that there are several variants in the United States and are  sure to introduce themselves to the Commonwealth of Virginia and Caroline County ; we at MTBC nevertheless believe that if the guidelines set forth
are followed at home, work, school, church, and other venues visited , that greater will be our opportunities for keeping safe.
I want to thank you in advance for your cooperation as we look forward to the potentials that our Lord has in store for us in the year to come.  Thank you.
Be blessed,

Get the SHOT

We encourage you and everyone you know to get vaccinated against COVID19.
Vaccinations Save Lives

Staying Safe against the Virus

Take precautions to protect yourself and others:
1.  Wash your hands often.
2.  Avoid large gatherings.
3.  Wipe down surfaces within your home and workspace.

Our Mission

    the Savior

     the Saint

       the Sinner


Locate Us

Mount Tabor Baptist Church

21795 Mattaponi Trail
Milford, VA   22514
t. 804-633-9728